Seed Cleaning and Conditioning

Solvent Extraction Plant
Feed Plant
Lecithin Plant
Storage and Packaging
Seed cleaning of Soyabean is essential to maintain high quality of finished products. Farm impurities inform of dust, sand, stones, metallic substances, twigs etc accompany seeds and needs deep cleaning before put to processing. A well aligned set of multi stage machinery to include Seed Cleaners, Destoners, Magnetic Separators and Seed Separators, work in tandem to remove foreign material from the raw material. Our contemporary seed cleaners are designed to use latest technology and are fitted with multiple sieves, magnetic fields and aspiration system to achieve best cleaning results.
Post seed cleaning, raw material passes through Dehullers, Cookers and Flakers in continuous process that prepares soymeal for easy and optimum oil extraction process. Steam based conditioning in Expanders, improves porosity of soymeal for easy percolation of solvent to achieve high oil extraction results. We constantly focus on technology, research and innovation in order to deliver products that are healthy, nutritious and distinct in taste & freshness.